Adding Soul to the System: Our Strive for DevOps Significance. DevOpsDays Amsterdam, 2024.

Be More than a Product Owner — Start Product Thinking. Medium, 2023.

Manifesto for a Product Mindset in Agile Development. Tweakers Developers Summit and DevOpsDays Amsterdam, 2022. Conference talks.

How we work: BizDevOps. Schuberg Philis, 2022.

BizDevOps: Bridging the Dominant Divide between Business and IT. DevOpsDays Amsterdam, 2020. Keynote talk.

BizDevOps: Bridging the Dominant Divide between the Business and IT—Or: Why DevOps Success Needs a Successor. Medium, 2020. Selected by the Medium curators for publication in the Programming section

Bye Bye Time & Materials—Entering the Era of Agile, Value-based Agreements. Agile Amsterdam, 2019. Conference talk.

Bye Bye Time & Materials—Entering the Era of Agile, Value-based Agreements. Medium, 2019. Selected by the Medium curators for publication in the Software Engineering section.

Ready for disruption in the mobility sector. Schuberg Philis, 2018. Annual Report 2017.

Project Self-Service. Het beste van twee werelden. IPMA Projectie Magazine, 02–2013, 2013.

Pakketleveranciers laks–Softwaremakers kijken te weinig naar praktijksituatie bij klanten. Automatisering Gids, 19, 2011. Featured cover article

Scientific publications

H. van der Schuur, E. van de Ven, R. de Jong, D. Schunselaar, H.A. Reijers, M. Overeem, M. de Graaf, S. Jansen and S. Brinkkemper. NEXT: Generating Tailored ERP Cloud Applications from Ontological Enterprise Models. In PoEM’17: Proceedings of the 10th IFIP WG 8.1. Working Conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modeling. Springer, 2017, pp. 283–298.

H. van der Schuur. Process Improvement through Software Operation Knowledge—If the SOK Fits, Wear It! PhD dissertation. Utrecht University, 2011.

H. van der Schuur, S. Jansen and S. Brinkkemper. Sending Out a Software Operation Summary: Leveraging Software Operation Knowledge for Prioritization of Maintenance Tasks. In MENSURA’11: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement. IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pages 160–169.

H. van der Schuur, S. Jansen and S. Brinkkemper. If the SOK Fits, Wear It: Pragmatic Process Improvement through Software Operation Knowledge. In PROFES’11: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement. Springer, 2011, pages 306–321.

H. van der Schuur, S. Jansen and S. Brinkkemper. Reducing Maintenance Effort through Software Operation Knowledge: An Eclectic Empirical Evaluation. In CSMR’11: Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering. IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pages 201–210.

H. van der Schuur, S. Jansen, S. Brinkkemper et al. On the Challenge of Creating an Attractive Research Master Program: Graduate Education Avant-la-Lettre. In H. Bodlaender, W. Duivesteijn and C. Nijenhuis (eds.), Fascination for Computation. 25 jaar informatica. Utrecht University, 2009, pp. 217–240.

H. van der Schuur. SKU: Software Vendor Meets End-user — On the Utilization of Service Software Knowledge in a Software Supply Network. Master thesis. Utrecht University, 2008. Graded with a 9 (out of 10). Nominated for the Dutch National Thesis Award

Guest lectures

Advanced Program Zorgmanagement: Strategie & Digitale Transformatie. Nyenrode Business Universiteit, 2023–2024.

Innovation in practice: Data & AI. Nyenrode Business Universiteit, 2023–2024.

Software production and software product management. Utrecht University, 2014–2019.

Method Engineering. Utrecht University, 2017–2018.

Information Management. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2017.

Software Architecture. Open University, 2015.